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What Self-Care Really Means

Updated: Jan 13, 2019

Social media has this way of portraying self-care as throwing on a face mask, doing your nails, and chilling out with your favorite t.v. show.

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Well I'm here to tell you that it's not that easy. The problems that you struggle with will still be with you while your face mask is soaking up all those pores.

I am not saying that it isn't important for one to pamper themselves every once in a while, but taking care of yourself is a process and it's going to take a lot more effort and time than only taking care of your skin. You have to take care of what is actually going on inside.

Near the end of 2018, I had a big change in my life. Switching from high school to college. I was in a new environment with people I wasn't used to seeing everyday. I used to see the same faces everyday that I grew up with and suddenly, most of them aren't by my side anymore. It made me spend a lot more time alone and reflect on myself. It wasn't the next step of my life that I expected but I realize now how much I needed this.

Wasn't it enough that I was born an only child and I have to spend the first few years of college alone again? Maybe I was not truly understanding what it is like to be independent and how lonely it really is to be an adult. (even if I'm still living with my parents)

My point is, spending time alone gives you the opportunity to focus on yourself. Your needs. This is what I've been doing to make myself a priority for once.

1. Exercise

Yeah, yeah we all know that everyone is supposed to drink more water and be fit..blah blah. It's repetitive, but it's important. Make your goal specific when exercising. You don't have to make it your goal to have a Kim K booty (even though I want to have somewhat of a shape of a woman and not look like a stick lol), but find your niche. Find out what you really like to do whether it is Zumba, volleyball, swimming, or lifting weights. Taking care of your body will help distract you from whatever you're going through. It's a win win situation. Do it in a healthy way though!

2. Journal

If you are an overthinker like me, this habit is an important one. I try to write what's on my mind every day but I only do it when I need to get things off of my chest. My thoughts drown me and sometimes it isn't enough to just sit down and chat with a friend. Vent in a notebook and you may even come to a conclusion. Don't limit yourself either. Write about any emotion you are feeling that day. Let the thoughts flow onto paper and let your hand take control.

3. Meditate

This self-care method isn't for everyone but if you are open to the idea of calming your mind after journaling, give it a try! Sitting in silence and confronting your thoughts can be torture but it's a practice with the purpose of clearing your head and relaxing you. Meditation is a bit of a struggle for me but when I can, I will set aside in 15 minutes to sit and focus on my breathing.

4. Podcasts/Self Help Videos

Nothing feels more comforting than knowing that you are not alone in a situation. Whether it's dealing with your body image, anxiety, stressful things happening at work, or trying to study for an upcoming test, remembering that there are billions of other people going through it as well can be beneficial when they have some advice that you can see if it works for you.

My absolute favorite podcasts right now are Thick & Thin by Katy Belotte and Asian Boss Girl. Check it out if you get the chance! When I'm in a funk, I usually find a self help podcast to listen to or surf the web to see how others dealt with their problems in a healthy way and if I can incorporate it into my life.

Self care is prioritizing yourself. It also doesn't mean that you can't care about others at the same time. You just can't fill someone else's cup when your cup is empty.

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